Neuroscientists have now learned that between 95-99% of what we think is unconscious.
When we understand how the brains work we know that with every thought there's an easy corresponding behaviour or interaction. So what are the implications if the majority of our thinking is off of our awareness?
Maybe like me you'll be thinking this means that many our behaviours and reactions are not only automatic but are preprogramed personal pour brains. Added to this we don't know why we sometimes behave the way you do. Well the good news is you've now learned why you sometimes behave such that are unproductive to make your others. At the base associated with your behaviours are a lot of thoughts. Now before we move onto what we can carry about this let's only just look at the risks to teaching and education which can have.
If various your behaviours are unconscious and consist of a lifetime of thinking both bad and good how might this force your teaching and interaction within the students. Before continuing i will share an interesting study they will in USA some years ago. Researchers in the study followed readily available an entire day 100 youngsters and monitored the actual positive and negative comments they received. The intention where 694 negative comments to 72 positive feedback. What this shows us is that i am conditioned from an young age to think more in negative terms than hassle-free ones. To test this theory contemplate what happens when you stand up of a morning can you say to yourself wow this can be fantastic day and i know everything certainly is the just perfect. Or do you realise I better hurry up or I will be late for work and as well I wonder if I will get stuck in traffic again or I just now bet X could give me a difficult time today or Oh no I want to attend that meeting don't genuinely have the time and i am not prepared. I can go on but I will spare you the drama. If we are truly honest with ourselves most of what we think is more in regards to negative outcomes rather now with positive ones.
So the question is what are you bringing for your educational environment each day and the is this impacting with regards to students and work associates? If again we very honest with ourselves then we will start to realise and understand that many our interactions are not found in the present moment but traditionally and that past weighs in at shaped by negative has a bearing. Now if we employ this down a notch further away and start to mull over our problematic students and work colleagues i'd see that sitting for those interactions are thoughts and beliefs that have negative based thinking. To test this out now compare the ideas about students and work colleagues that you don't have issues with and yourself are the idea and beliefs positive. So why do we have positive thoughts towards most individuals and negative thoughts involving others? Yep you guessed correctly it is all part of that 95-99% of thinking that is unconscious to us as well as to add insult to injury it is a by product of our practical knowledge.
So getting back to students how many are increasingly being adversely affected by the fact that we are unaware of the truth our thoughts and beliefs and feelings? More importantly are you prepared to do something about it? You need to be aware this isn't personal we're not bad people because our brains have been conditioned to act and react inside perfect terms. In fact it exceedingly liberating to know that it is just a fact of life and the way our brains are invented that we behave inside of productive ways. It has nothing pertaining to you as a person but the way that you brain works and the sub-standard environment we live according to.
What is a measure of your character is if you are prepared to do something about it. Do you want you eat back control of driving the or will you will still let your programmed intellect run rampant?
Here are a summary of suggestions for taking back control.
1. Start to become aware of your thoughts especially when things are all not going the way you want them to.
2. When out of the blue your thoughts are giving approach to unproductive behaviours stop and ask yourself if I had to see this situation in positive terms what can that look like. After you have a vision continue to possess this until the lethargy changes.
3. Surround if you notice with positive minded online communities. Don't get into the habit of speaking negatively around other and situations. This will only reinforce the neurological connections that are causing you to behave in unproductive techniques. If you don't feature a group which is solution orientated clear of problem centred create solitary.
4. Read and listen to inspirational quotes, stories after that visualisations.
5. Get tough with yourself and decide if you happen to happy with your thinking and make a commitment to change it. Use the power installation for emotion and passion to adjust your thinking to envision outcomes that can cause extraordinary performance in yourself and your students. Your brain is very powerful and when used correctly everything are possible.