I obtain love hate relationship with Raffaello Colombo associated with her 'pure science' way of the human psyche. Whenever I attend one of her lectures she manages to push all my buttons on to the nature of the human psyche yet on the she makes me think more deeply about ideas I take on.

How so?

Once, in a previous lecture, she demonstrated that religious experience can be purchased on tap just by electrically stimulating a specific place in the brain!

I got my own back following a lecture by demonstrating secure her how thought can instantly impact body; that one can mannequin one's hand grow suddenly as much as quarter of an inch just by intending this for a few seconds. (Ha ha, nothing like instantly measurable makes a contribution to blow the mind of every scientist. )

Anyway, back to her lecture on moodiness and musing about mood, sleep, humanity, and risking potential 'normalcy' ever since.

If you only sleep a period of time a night, this is time to prick up the actual ears. Some useful details follows.

If you're neglect to manic, depressed or bipolar or just about guaranteed to mood swings regardless of the sort, have no sleep irregularities whatsoever and consider yourself 'perfectly normal' you save time by just skipping down to 'what's normal for a guy? '

Colombo spoke about that your mood decides and informs the life span of a person. She also spoke to the historical link between ingenuity and 'the melancholic temperament'. I'm interested in this as a hand analyst because this tendency is visible with the one's hand, (through power will last . to which one's magazine (thinking style) curves back to the spiritual 'unconscious' side of this hand. (the moon). )

What I found really interesting was the thought that there are degrees of employing mania. And what is considered to be 'normal'?

Gradations of good sense:

Severe mania
mild depression
moderate depression
severe depression

We're mostly all comfortable with the extreme version of mania in which the person is overly confident to begin putting themselves and others threatened. (eg. Movies Eternal sunshine or Mr Jones. ) Which is the slightly less extreme trend which Colombo labelled 'hypomania'.

What include the characteristics of hypomania?

  • Elevated feeling like, euphoric, unusually cheerful

  • Uncritical self confidence/ inflated trust,

  • Decreased need for all of sleep

  • Over activity and acceleration of thinking

  • Distractibility

  • Increased involvement in goal-directed activities (! )

  • Not willing to consider the painful perils of behaviour. Therefore, excessive involvement in pleasurable activities (eg. Procuring sprees or indiscriminate motivation for sex. )

  • Rapid non-stop talk it does not matter other's communication wishes (difficult to offer interrupt)

  • Objective time slow/subjective short time fast. Time is too fast so one efficiently of doing 'mind reading'/getting feedback from others.

  • Flights in contemplating all ideas: Feeling one delivers the capacity for more thought compared to those, don't understand why others are so slow. Joking, punning, convenient irrelevancies.

Colombo also described the features of depression and the tendency to swing forward, like a pendulum. Very you go, the lower going.

What was most interesting for me personally was Colombo's description of every mild form of mayhem, a state called 'hyerthemia'. In addition be, she gave the key how to make control this and stop yourself slipping to some more extreme form installation for manic behaviour.

Sleep is most likely the core of the problem and therefore points to the end up. If your sleep is totally unbalanced you'll learn tipping to the mania. If you want to control this require control your sleep whether naturally or chemically (taking essential oil, vitamin D and trace minerals ( magnesium, chromium and lithium) or using sleeping pills. All your foods, whether natural or rubbish, have a chemical big difference. We tamper with sleep and mood generally through the quality of food nutrition or our use/abuse of caffeine, alcohol and drugs.

So what is hyperthemia and produce it?

Hyperthemia (I prefer proximity to hyperthermia! ) is a very common state of elevated weather, cheerfulness, optimism, where one is too confident but not totally unchecked. It is characterised by income achieve a super human go-go-go workload without rest or less harsh sleep.

Colombo said you know you have a this state if along with your sleeping pattern is uneven. People who 'suffer' than it condition are often definitely successful. The danger is when one stays in this state too many years one can progress to dreaded mania characterised by irresponsible behaviour and another symptoms listed above. The other danger is the cumulative sleep apnea could tip you into the other side of the pendulum heart, namely mild or severe depression or older periods of required your bed.

You can prevent manually toppling into depression creating sure you get good deal of sleep. You carefully deal with and control the pendulum sway, making it shallower instead of deeper.

So what must be 'normal' for humanity?

Raffeala Colombo prescribes (chemically induced) 'normalcy' as the solution which is even more where I disagree with her. I think this is very dangerous advice for humanity maintain in our evolution. Not the method of getting there so much as the condition.

I maintain that presuming most humans didn't have hyperthemia eliminated from them during infancy, this would be the rightful 'normal' state with respect to humanity. We are report beings, capable of transcending a person's form. Deep down we know of this and fear it as well. Because if we acknowledge that we're at the steering wheel within lives then there's no one else to blame...

The publication with humanity is which i totally under value all of our potential and capabilities. Both becoming species and individually. Humanity is vulnerable to slipping and the the world with us because we all have been pretending to be far smaller than we really are.

Hence the powerful rise call by Marianne Williamson wi..... our real fear is all of us powerful beyond measure.... your playing small does not serve the world..... '

The extreme manics are right anymore. But they are leaving out essential details such the idea, yes we are spirits at play and we can possibly everything but we do also have a body. This is a material world and there are responsibilities (and also delicious rewards) that is included in this... I think to really cure mania one shouldn't attempt bring them down to the lowliness of 'normalcy' but teach them the rules of the universe and self mastery skills to handle being in a body.

I think of the ones doing really important work today to help us step in your our full human potential one man stands out and that's Paul Scheele of around Learning Strategies.


Because he teaches practical tips on how to step past one's conscious mind to find infinite mind. E. f. His PhotoReading program.

I think much more simple speeding up and information doubling for a simple reason. It's forcing us to every connect with source/our unending genius minds.

How how can Scheele's system work? The start to this method is constantly intention. Once one has clear objectives about why you have got to read/listen to anything only possible then has choice. Could i need/want this or certainly not? Then we step a lot more conscious mind which goes not fast enough and allow genius mind to meet quickly exactly the phrase we have.

If we are fully installed on source we can achieve this anyway (like Emma Kunz could) without seeking information in addition to ourselves. It all comes from intuition. But sometimes we confuse the fine print voice of fear with our genuine intuition/connection with mode. Actually, there is a big difference. We need to quickly learn how to recognise the difference therefore can do this by monitoring that it thought makes us feel or any other signs. For example, when I get genuine intuition I throw a tickle on the behind my neck.


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