
Quantum Brain Healing uses Traditional chinese medicine (TCM) along with old therapies to heal mental performance. TCM utilizes both acupuncture and pharmaceutical to treat disease. Modern medicine of the future looks to enhance brain function and intellect as well as treat existing diseases. Forefathers of certain brain health conditions like senile dementia, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's turn into treated with herbal medicine prior to the disease's onset to prevent or diminish the severity of the disease. Quantum Brain Healing wants to have diagnostic testing and will eventually do cellular testing of herbs within a laboratory to pinpoint which herbs and herbal recipes will best treat the patient's disease.

Quantum Brain Healing totally uses TCM herbal formulas of treatment for brain related symptoms as well as diseases. Below are several of each one Chinese herbal formulas that enable you to treat and prevent main diseases. The formulas are not supposed to have been purchased by a lasting. These formulas are meant to expose people to the actual symptoms and diseases very common problem or improved with TRADTIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE and direct patients into seeking a session with a TCM perhaps alternative medicine doctor to provide a oceanfront correct formula for custom diagnosis. The Chinese formula descriptions provide classic Chinese disease character. As patients take excellent recipes, their symptoms will morph and formulas is actually altered to these stairway. It is possible of which the person's chronic illness will have to the same herbal formula for years period, but one should not assume this as being case.

Bu Zhong Yi Chi Tang He Sheng Mai San Jia Jian (Blue Poppy) invariably is an antiaging formula which toilet bowl treat stress, dizziness, fatigue, stimulate the immune mode, and increase brain circulation to include in the memory. The Chinese diagnosis for this formula has it been boosts the qi, enriches yin, and arouses the mind, but, because it upbears the most effective clear and disinhibits the remainder of the qi mechanism, it calcium supplements without stagnating. In knowledge, this formula supports the organs gifting energy to the body which are the lungs, spleen, and filtering system. It boosts immunity, improves both mental and physical performance, and improves adaptation to stress. It is indicated of treatment for qi and yin dual vacuity forming fatigue, lowered immunity, and just aging. Immortal Qi may also be used as a sports performance-enhancing supplement as well as the prevention and detaching the altitude sickness

Chai Hu An expanded Gu Mu Li Tang (Plum Flower or Pink Poppy) treats complaints such as stress, anxiety, irritability, sleeping disorders, irritability, anger, nicotine revulsion, drug withdrawal, alcohol revulsion, frustration and schizophrenia. The Chinese diagnosis for it then formula is liver-spleen disharmony doing depressive heat, phlegm wetness, and disquieted heart role.

Jie Yu Ding Mian Fang as well as Resolve Depression & Solidity Sleep (Blue Poppy) treats insomnia with irritability or perhaps emotional depression. The Chinese diagnosis determining formula is insomnia lasting in excess of three months and where patients not really be sleep at all or sleep for you to two hours per good night. Patient has a few liver depression qi stagnation compared to other possible depressive heat in so doing blood stasis with malnourishment and disquietude of the identical heart spirit.

Modified Eleven Flavors Warm the Gallbladder (Blue Poppy) treats symptoms of insomnia, anxiety, depression, PMS, and just perimenopausal syndrome. The Chinese diagnosis uses heart-gallbladder qi timidity with depressive heat have the ability heart, liver, and possibly stomach and intestines. Heart-gallbladder qi timidity contains the shorthand name for a more complex pattern. The entire disease pattern rely upon the liver and spleen being in disarray with one another. It is very liver depression and spleen chi vacuity with depressive high temperature range and phlegm harassing the center spirit. It also includes body qi and blood vacuity due to enduring spleen vacuity.

Suan Zao Ren (Plum Flower) treats stress symptoms including migraine headaches, wooziness, insomnia, and mental irritations. The Chinese diagnosis for it then formula includes nourishing the blood, clearing excess heat extremely calming the spirit

Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan (Plum Flower) or perhaps Emperors Teapills treat mild to moderate instances of anxiety, irritable, concentration problems, senile dementia, memory problems, restlessness, and occasional sleep apnea. The Chinese diagnosis for this formula has it been nourishes Yin & flow of blood, tonifies Heart & calms spirit.

Xiao Yao Wan (Blue Poppy) treats symptoms of neurosis, insomnia, irritation, anxiety disorder, vertigo, anxiety, stress, wooziness, and depression. The Chinese diagnosis for it then formula includes liver panic attack and spleen vacuity by working with blood vacuity and dead-on dampness.

Yi Nao Jiao Nang nourishment brain complaints of neurasthenia, sleeping disorders, poor memory, profuse day dreaming, brain arteriosclerosis and faintness and disorientation. The Chinese Diagnosis for it then formula includes qi and consequently are blood deficiency with deficiency of kidney essence and filtering system and kidney yin.


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