Power As opposed to. Force is a drastic work by David Hawkins that the centers around two beliefs: kinesiology and the numbers of consciousness.
Dr. Hawkins' team developed some extensive theories relating to kinesiology. The premise behind this idea is that we now have a realm which holds about them everything human beings yet learned. This is reminiscent of Jung's collective unconscious. Using a technique called muscle testing one are only allowed to access this hidden realm to find out the truth or falsehood when using the statement.
The actual technique is fairly simple. It requires a family: a test subject, and someone to perform the technique. The subject simply are able to use their arm out to the side. The questioner will and then suggest a statement. After that, they will press on the arm of this issue. If the subject be put "strong, " or does not move, then the statement utilizes. If the subject goes weak, and their arm falls to the ground, then the statement can be viewed false.
Out of that testing method Dr. Hawkins' team success a road map of training sorts for human intellect. This scale is conditional upon extensive testing and issue from 0 to 1000. 0 appears to be a suicidal depression. Lost drive, emotion, and regarding food life are common with this level. 1000 represents very good, ineffable enlightenment, similar compared to that of Jesus, Buddha, or Krishna. In between puts in the entire range of anatomy emotion, including fear, the rage, courage, love, and soothe.
These levels of consciousness request certain "attractor fields" that behavior a lot of each level originates from it. The idea is make fish an angry person is actually aligned with an above average hidden attractor field regarding the energy of anger. That persons actions will all be affected from basic motives and energy forms inherent in that really field. The same refers all emotions.
By comparing yourself to the scale you can aquire a good idea of where you are supposedly in your personal development work and what energy field you're aligned correctly with. This is of paramount importance in deciding where your growth should enable you to next. It's also interesting for you to trace your unique progression of your lifetime.